Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week of November 17

This week is Anti-bully Week at SLE.  Mrs. Burdine met with the 4th grade classes last week and encouraged students to create posters advertising "Kindness Week" (our theme this year).  Some students also signed up to write and perform raps!  We are very excited that Basketball Jones will be visiting SLE on Thursday afternoon and we will have daily lessons on making good choices to spread kindness and stomp out bullying.

It is time again for THE BIG SWITCH.   This week students will finish up their units in Science and Social Studies (please check planners for final tests) and then making the switch.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week of November 10

Reminder if you would like your child to receive a flu shot here at SLE, you must return the paper work (sent home in the Friday Folder) by MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10.

We will be celebrating Veteran's Day on Tuesday at SLE.  We are very honored to have representatives from our armed forces meeting with our students.  Students will be hearing from 3 US veteran's including 2 who are from a local Wounded Warrior group.  

The temperature is supposed to fall this week and we will be going outside to play at recess.  Please be sure your child wears a coat to school.