Mrs. Clements

Welcome to 4th Grade Math and Social Studies

MATH: We use Eureka Math for our math curriculum. Please see below for more information on each module. 

Module 1: Place Value to the Millions / Multi-Digit Addition & Subtraction

 Module 2 - Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Units

*Symmetry Concepts have been moved to 5th grade

Note on Math Workbook pages: Please do not worry if see some of these coming home with sections that are not complete. These are our “learning” pages for each lesson. As such, not all problems will be completed in paper form as some are completed on student whiteboards. Any problems that are completed for a grade or progress check will be torn out and you will see them come home in Friday Folder with a mark from me. (Either a grade or check mark to indicate that a progress check was made.) Packets are sent home so you can see what we are learning and are not an indication of incomplete work of your child. If something needs to be completed it will be clearly marked.

Online Practice At Home: Students can access the following practice sites by first logging on to their Google account and then log in through Clever (Bookmarked on Google account). 
- Zearn
- XtraMath
- Prodigy
- 99 Math
And other math sites and math songs in Math Google Classroom

You can find good explanation of the individual lessons on YouTube. I suggest this account for the best explanations can be found with this account. Scroll down the page and you will see EUREKA Math listed by grade level then by module. 

3 Branches of Government (State & National) 
Click HERE for Ohio's Learning Standards for 4th Grade Social Studies