Testing News
PARCC Testing will continue this week. We thank you for your support in getting the students to school on time this week so that we could begin testing sessions on time. The students have been great in rolling with the changes in schedule and working during the testing times. There was a minor network problem Friday morning, but we adjusted to test in the afternoon and the students applied themselves and worked hard. Please keep encouraging them to not stress but show their best. We are so lucky to have such outstanding fourth graders. The remaining testing dates are:
Monday, March 9th: Social Studies (75 minutes)
Wednesday, March 11th: ELA Unit 3 (60 minutes)
Friday, March 13th: Math Unit 1 (80 minutes)
Monday, March 16th: Math Unit 2 (70 minutes)
Testing Tips:
Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep the night before testing.
Please make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast the morning of testing.
Please tell your child to just try their best and not stress out over these tests.
Instruction Continues
Please note that even though we are currently in the middle of the PARCC Performance Based Tests, this only accounts for a small part of our school day and instruction continues in all classes. Students are still expected to complete homework assignments. Please check planners nightly for assignments and due dates.
School Calendar
Due to the snow day last week, the new last day of school will be Tuesday, June 2nd.
March Happenings:
March 13 - PTO March Madness Fundraiser
March 19 and 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 26 - 4th grade to Riversbend Country Club for Etiquette Lunch
March 30 - April 6 - Spring Break