Sunday, December 16, 2018


Thank you so much for all the awesome donations made through the
PTO Kings Wish List!! Your generosity is moving and we are putting
donations to use right away. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Fourth Grade Reminders:
On Wednesday, December 19th fourth graders can wear their pajamas to school.  They will be completing a STEM Math activity by creating gingerbread houses that can stand on their own.  Students are going to flashlight read during reading so please send your child to school with flashlight.

On Thursday, December 20th fourth graders will have their checkbook party.  We will celebrate with hot chocolate and a movie. At 2:00 we will perform our holiday dance in the gym.  We hope that you can make it to this fun performance.

There is no school on Friday, December 21st.  Winter break is  December 21st - January 6th.   School resumes on Monday, January 7th.  Have a safe and restful break!

Locker Clean Out and Lost and Found
We will be cleaning out lockers this week. It is amazing how many articles of clothing and plastic containers accumulate in the student lockers! Hopefully you will be seeing some familiar items coming home. Also, please encourage your child to check the lost and found, as there are quite a few items there that have lost their owners.