Sunday, December 6, 2020


Cold Weather is HERE!

Just a reminder that cold weather is here, but as long as it is dry (no rain or snow on the playground) and the temperature is above 32 degrees, we will be going outside for recess daily.  Especially this year, this time to get a little fresh air and movement is so important for students.  We ask your help in making sure your child comes to school daily dressed for the weather, including a warm coat and hat/scarf/gloves.  If you do not have a winter coat for your child, please let us know and we have resources to help fill this need.  

Wellness Checks

Please continue to do wellness checks with your child daily.  We appreciate the hard work everyone is doing so that we may stay in our in-person school setting.  While keeping kids home is not always convenient, we thank you as it helps our community stay healthy.  We will also continue to stay in touch with you if your child is quarantined so that they may stay up-to-date with what is happening in the classroom.