A few things coming up to take note:
1. THE BIG SWITCH! - It is that time again for the students to switch from social studies to science and vice versa.
2. Information was sent home this week from Duke Energy for a free energy kit. Simply fill out the card and send it back to school. The homeroom with the most returned earns a special treat from the SLE E-Club.
3. It is BOX TOP time again. Please send in your BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION this next week. PTO is sponsoring a contest between the classes.
4. KINDNESS WEEK is coming up. This year we are selling special T-Shirts that will be personalized for SLE and advertise our theme for Anti-Bully week --- to choose and spread kindness! Order forms were sent home in the Friday Folder and need to be returned by WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd. Cost per shirt is $10.
5. No School Dates: We have several during the 2nd Quarter:
November 4 - Inservice Day for teachers
November 26-28 - Conference Exchange Day & Thanksgiving Break
December 22 - January 2 - Winter Break