Columbia Input Forms
Fourth grade parent input forms for Columbia Intermediate were emailed to you on Friday, April 1st. Please fill out this form online to help Columbia place your child in a fifth grade class. If you did not receive the email, you can CLICK HERE to access the online form.
Art to Remember
Art to Remember orders are due TUESDAY, APRIL 5. If you have misplaced your order form, please contact Mrs. Hoffert.
Etiquette Luncheon
An invitation for the 4th grade Etiquette Luncheon was sent home in the Friday Folder. The date for the lunch this year is Friday, April 15th. Students are encouraged to wear their "Sunday Best" that day as they go to complete the etiquette program with this very special dining experience.
State Testing
Ohio AIR testing is scheduled for April 18-25th this year. Students will be taking tests in language arts (2 days), math (2 days) and social studies (2 days). This is an opportunity for students to "show what they know" and of course we want the students to do their best. Some parents have asked what they can do to help students prepare, and in general it is the same for most testing situations...good night sleep, breakfast, etc. Academically, please have the students to continue to practice math facts, complete their homework and read and talk about what they read with you. One challenge students face with these tests is that they will be asked to write an essay on the computer. A stumbling block is often keyboarding skills. All 4th grade students have accounts at If there is time at home, please have your child logon and practice their keyboarding skills.
Panoramic Photo
Lifetouch will be returning to SLE on April 19th to take a very special panoramic photo of the entire 4th grade. If you would like to order a photo, order forms were sent home in the Friday Folder.
4th Quarter Goal and Checkbooks
4th Quarter goal for our school-wide behavior goal will again center around homework completion. We find that this can be challenging for 4th graders as the weather gets warmer and the daylight grows longer. Managing their homework with other things is essential for getting ready for 5th grade. This quarter goal is to make it to 7 of the 9 Freaky Friday celebrations which means they have 7 of 9 weeks where all homework is completed and turned in on time.
We found the checkbook system was very successful last quarter. Students were excited to cash in their earnings at the grade-level party. We are again using this system and looking forward to another fun cash-in party in May.
Field Day
SLE Field Day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17. We will be having a school-wide field day this year. Volunteers help make this day a success for students. If you are able to volunteer some time to help out, please contact Mr. Heagen.