Monday, November 27, 2017

December Updates

Snow Shop THIS WEEK!
PTO is again offering a school shopping experience for students to purchase holiday gifts for family.  Snow shop will be this week (Nov. 27-Dec.1) and information was sent home today with an envelope to send in money if you wish to have your child shop.  Please check your child's planner for the specific day and time.


If you want some Knights gear, head over to the SLE Spirit Shop. All orders are due by 12/3 and will be delivered to SLE by 12/19. You can access the the shop by clicking HERE.


Ever wanted to with dinner with your Principal? Well, you can at our Kings Mills Chipotle on Wednesday from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Not only can you share some queso and a laugh, but you can help SLE raise funds! Chipotle is generously donating 50% of the proceeds of the night to SLE! 50%!! Please make an effort to say Hello to Mr. W and support SLE! 

Winter MAP testing will be this week and next week.  4th grade is scheduled for Language Arts testing on Friday, December 1 and Math is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th.  Both testing sessions will take place in the morning.  We ask that you make sure your child has a good night's rest, breakfast and be ontime to school.  

This is just a reminder to be alert to the signs of head lice. The most common way that head lice are spread is through direct (head-to-head) contact. Children in the elementary age group are in close contact with each other through sleep-overs, play, church, classroom activities, etc. Head lice do NOT fly or jump and can only live off the host for a day or so. Head lice do not infest our pets. If you see your child scratching his or her head frequently, or if you hear, “My head itches,” check your child’s head carefully for head lice. Children frequently feel the head lice before you can see them, so continue to check daily if your child is complaining. Look carefully for any live lice or nits (eggs). Nits are teardrop shaped, are about the size of a type written comma, and are clear to brown in color. They are “glued” firmly to the hair shaft usually within 1-2 inches of the scalp, often behind the ears or in the hair at the back of the neck. Nits cannot be washed out but must be picked or combed out. If you find that your child has lice or nits, do not panic. Contact your child’s doctor, a pharmacist, or your child’s school nurse for advice. Do not send your child back to school until he or she has been treated and nits removed. It is important to contact the school and the parents of any of your child’s regular playmates. If you would like further information or have any questions regarding head lice, please contact our School Nurse, Mrs. Wiethe at 398-8050, extension 15025 or via email at