Saturday, February 5, 2022

We are very excited to have some fun with our SLE community supporting and celebrating the Bengals run to the Super Bowl.
We will TACKLE HUNGER with a food drive to support our local food pantry all next week! The classroom that collects the most items will get to experience a Bengals themed glow dance party!

After checking in with the pantries the following items are in need:
shelf stable milk or juice boxes
kid friendly cereal (individual servings if possible)
canned meat
Ramen noodles
gravy packets
personal hygiene items

We will accept donations all week- 2/7- 2/11 (noon). All donations will be delivered to the pantries on the afternoon of 2/11. Please check that items are not expired- we have to throw expired items away.

SLE will also have a school wide spirit week the week of 2/7-2/11.
Monday 2/7- wear your favorite football/sport team or Cincinnati gear
Tuesday 2/8- wear "Bengal Tiger" stripes (anything with stripes)
Wednesday 2/9- wear Black and White- support the NFL referees
Thursday 2/10- wear Orange and Black
Friday 2/11- wear your Bengals gear

Valentine parties will be held on 2/11 due to no school on 2/14.