Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 2021 - Welcome Back!

We wanted to thank everyone for all their hard work last week. We had great attendance and participation from the students during this week of online learning, however we are excited to have our students physically back in the classrooms next week. Below are some reminders as you prepare your child to return to SLE this coming week....

Health and Safety

Please continue to monitor your child's health daily and we appreciate when you err on the side of caution and keep your child home if they are presenting with possible COVID symptoms.  If someone in your home has tested positive or is waiting test results, please also keep your child home and contact the school office.  We will be in touch and provide learning activities for students at home.

Remember that your child must wear a clean mask to school each day and we suggest keeping a spare in their backpack.  We do have extra masks here at school, both cloth and disposable masks, if a student should need one. 

Work From This Week

All assignments from this past week are due on Monday, January 11.  Please have your child put his/her name on assignments before putting them in their backpack. This will make turning in work Monday morning a little easier!

Report Cards

Again this quarter, report cards are being sent home electronically.  Report cards are currently available on Progress Book.  If you are unsure of how to retrieve your child's report card, contact either us or the school office and we can walk you through the process. 

Snacks and Recess

Students may have a water bottle at their desks (plastic - no glass bottles) and we eat a healthy snack daily around 10am due to our late lunch.  Snacks need to be peanut-free and something that can be eaten in about 10 minutes.  (We do set a timer for snack time to minimize unmasked time)  We also go outside for recess as long as the temperature is 32 degrees or above.  Students should come dressed appropriately with hats, coats, etc.  If you are in need of a coat for your child please let us know.

School Supplies

Now is a great time to check your child's school supply stash.  Before break we noticed many students no longer have scissors, colored pencils and glue sticks.  Please try to replenish these supplies this weekend. Also, if your child took their earbuds/headphones home for break, please return those as they are used in class daily. 

MAP Testing

We will be conducting our school wide winter MAP Testing over the next two weeks.  
Clements/Westly Test Dates
Reading MAP Test: Wednesday, January 13th
Math MAP Test: Wednesday, January 20th

Tucker/Burdine/Caskey Test Dates:
Reading MAP Test: Thursday, January 14th
Math MAP Test: Thursday, January 21st
Tests will begin first thing in the morning, so we ask that students are on time to school those days.  If your child is absent on a test day he/she will make it up when they return.  

School Breakfast and Lunch

Reminder that breakfast and lunch are served daily and free of charge to all students.  If your child does not have time to eat breakfast in the morning they may get it here as school as soon as they check-in in the classroom.  This is a great program and we encourage you to check it out.