Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Happy Spring Break

We want remind you that school will be closed next week, March 25-29, for Spring Break.  We wish you all a restful and healthy break and look forward to seeing students back at school on Monday, April 1st.  

There has been a slight change to our AIR testing dates.  Please see below -- the math testing dates have shifted by one day.  

Please mark your calendar for the 4th grade AIR tests in April.  These tests are spread out over four mornings and are required by the State of Ohio for all 4th grade students.   We ask that you please refrain from scheduling appointments or vacations during this time.  The dates are as follows:

April 10 (Wed.) & April 11 (Thurs.) - English/Language Arts
April 17 (Wed.) & April 18 (Thur.)  - Math

As the date draws near, you will receive more information, but we wanted you to know the dates to avoid scheduling conflicts.

  • Please send in items for PTO Spring Frenzy Baskets -- if you have sent items in already, THANK YOU!  If not, it is not too late and they will be accepting items after spring break. 
  • Art Show pre-orders are due on April 8th.  Please see order info below.