Sunday, January 5, 2020

Happy New Year


All Student Art Show and Sale
When: April 22, 5:30-8:00
Where: SLE Cafeteria 
Cost: Free to attend
$25 if you choose to buy a framed artwork. 

New Year and New Quarter!
We look forward to welcoming students back this week for the start of a new calendar year and the beginning of the 3rd Quarter.  We hope you all had a restful winter break.  As we begin the 3rd Quarter, there are some things we would like you to know....

MAP Winter Testing
We will be administering MAP testing over the next two weeks as our mid-year benchmark.  Please refer to the student planner for specific testing days.  

January 10 - Report Card Grades have been posted and you can find then on Progress Book.  Paper copies of the 2nd quarter grade cards will be sent home on Friday, Jan. 10.

January 17 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice

January 20 - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Reminder - Mark Your Calendars
Please make note of the Spring AIR Testing Dates. It is important that students be at school on time these days.  We are getting these dates out to you now so that you do not schedule doctor appointments or vacations at this time.  Please note that pre-appoved absence requests will be NOT be approved/accepted for these testing dates. 

AIR Testing Dates for Spring 2019
April 14 - 4th Grade ELA part 1
April 15 - 4th Grade ELA part 2
April 20 - 4th Grade Math part. 1
April 21- 4th Grade Math part 2

Outdoor Recess
We will be having outdoor recess when weather allows.  Warmer temperatures are in the forecast, and as long as the rain holds off, students will be playing outside.  Please remember coats, hats and gloves to be prepared for outdoor recess.  Our recess is time is not until 1:10, so while it may be below 32 degrees for earlier recesses, it is often warm enough by the time 4th grade recess rolls around.  

Wellness Reminder

Cold and flu season is upon us.  Please remember that if your child is ill, he or she should remain at home until fever-free and vomiting-free for 24 hours.   Also, if your child has been prescribed antibiotics for a contagious illness he or she must remain at home until receiving a full 24 hours of the medication. Contact Mrs. Wiethe, our School Nurse, at 398-8050, ext.15025 if you have any questions about your child’s return to school after an illness.  
Tips to prevent the spread of germs……
- Keep your hands/fingers away from your mouth, nose, and eyes – yes, you can contract a cold and other illnesses via your eyes as well as your mouth and nose
- Proper handling of sneezes/tissues
- Get an adequate amount of sleep
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat balanced meals
- Vaccines – yes, adults need vaccines also (i.e. influenza, hepatitis B, tetanus, pneumonia for the elderly or chronically ill); check with your physician for recommendations
- Practice good handwashing
- Stay home from school/work until fever-free/vomiting-free for 24 hours